Status and maintenance updates for the TextAnywhere platform.

Status update

This is to notify you of an upcoming TextAnywhere scheduled maintenance window.

Status: New
Start Date and Time (UK time): 18/01/2016 22:00:00
End Date and Time (UK time): 18/01/2016 23:00:00
Description: We have been notified by one of our network partners, 2ergo, who provide our five-digit Short Code services (shared and dedicated numbers), that they have scheduled maintenance on their platform for the above date and time.

There will be an outage of up to 10 minutes within the 1 hour maintenance window during which inbound messages sent to our short codes will be queued. Once the maintenance has been completed the messages will be received by us and automatically sent on to you.

Similarly, premium (chargeable) messages sent by you to handsets during the outage will be queued and processed (and delivered to the handsets) once service is resumed.

Please note that regular, free-to-receive outbound messages and message replies remain completely unaffected by this maintenance window. Only inbound short code services are affected by this maintenance.

We do apologise for any inconvenience that this maintenance will cause.

Expected Impact:
  • Outbound messages:
MT messages will be queued during the 10 minute outage period.
  • Inbound messages:
MO messages will be queued during the 10 minute outage period.
  • Delivery statuses:
DRs will be queued during the 10 minute outage period.
  • Web services:
No impact
  • Web applications:
No impact

If you have any questions, please contact us by emailing CustomerCare or by calling 08451 221 302.