Status and maintenance updates for the TextAnywhere platform.

Status update

This is to notify you of a service issue, which may impact your use of our services, as follows:

Status: Monitoring
Description: Further remedial work has been undertaken by our network provider overnight and we have since been closely monitoring inbound traffic which has remained stable.

We will continue to monitor traffic pending confirmation of full resolution.

We apologise for the incovenience caused.


Unfortunately our monitoring has detected that the issue has reoccurred. We have escalated this to our network provider who are continuing to investigate the issue with the highest priority.

We will keep you updated of further developments and again apologise for the inconvenience caused.


Following remedial work undertaken by our network provider overnight we have been closely monitoring inbound traffic which has remained stable.

We will continue to monitor pending full confirmation of resolution.


Our network provider has advised that the cause of the issue has been identified and they are actively working towards resolution.

We will continue provide updates as and when we receive them and again we apologise for the incovenience caused.


Please be advised that we are currently experiencing issues with TextInbound numbers beginning 077814 where messages longer than 160 characters are in some cases being received incomplete.

Our network provider is actively working on a resolution to this issue and we hope to have normal service resumed as soon as possible.

We do apologise for any inconvenience that this issue may cause you.

We will provide an update as soon as we receive more information.

Current Impact:
  • Outbound messages:
No impact
  • Inbound messages
No current impact, but continuing to monitor.
  • Delivery statuses:
No impact
  • Web services:
No impact
  • Web applications:
No impact

If you have any questions, please contact us by emailing CustomerCare or by calling 08451 221 302.